Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychology and Motivation Essay

What are some of the limitations of traditional approaches to motivation? Discuss this question, referring to at least three specific management theories and considering the historical context in which these ideas were developed or adopted. Motivation in general refers to the result of behavioral changes in reaction to internal or external stimuli. Analysis can be done at the individual psychological level too. The studies attempt to understand people’s behaviour and come up with general conclusions from individual cases. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009) Some classified motivation as either a product or a process (Winne & Marx, 1989). In viewpoint as a product, motivation refers to willingness, desire, or condition of stimulation. On the other hand, it can also be known as the cognitive and affective processes where level of motivation or goal-directed behaviour is determined (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002). From this viewpoint, motivation refers not just to an end state, but also to the cognitive processes that control how the end state is achieved (Winne & Marx, 1989). This perceptive contradicts with the hypothesis to which one relates motivation with achievement or performance (Alexander & Winne, 2006). Numerous theories have been made on motivation. Some of the traditional approaches from most quoted theorists would be the classic theory from Frederick W. Taylor and the traditional motive approach pioneered by Henry Murray. Taylor advocated the theory that people will be extremely motivated if their reward is tied directly to performance. It creates assumption that one would choose the path that is most financially profitable and that money is the best motivation. Studies have shown that financial opportunity can definitely result in improvements especially in jobs with lower socio-economic rankings. It cannot be denied that money can motivate most people, but many have risen above it. Example would be religious missionaries, whereby they renounced financial security for greater spiritual satisfaction (Lorenzana, 1993). Murray’s work contributed most to the roots of the achievement motive tradition. Summarizing from his classic work, Explorations in Personality, he uses the concept of need, to explain motivation in two district senses. First, when  one is in a state of need, fulfilling end situations usually come to mind, resulting in one experiencing a sense of desire or wish. Desire will lead to intention and purpose and subsequently to strivings. Whereas the bulk of Murray’s theoretical attention focused on needs as motivational processes, he also used the term need to describe individual differences in hidden nature. In the second sense, a need indicates a potentiality or readiness to respond toward a particular end under particular stimulus conditions. The needs account for majority of motivated behaviour. Viscerogenic needs such as need for food that involves bodily tensions and satisfactions, and psychogenic need such as need for affiliation that involve psychological tensions and satisfactions are directly link to the achievement area. The first is the need of achievement, which he defined as the desire to accomplish something difficult; to excel one self and to surpass others, to increase self-regard by successful exercise of talent. The second is the need for in avoidance, defined as the desire to avoid humiliation, quit embarrassing situations or to avoid conditions which may lead to belittlement. Although for subsequent motivation researchers, Murray’s need proved too numerous and too broadly defined, his influence in the development of the field is unmistakable (Efklides, Kuhl & Sorrentino, 2001). The research and finding of Frederick Herzberg and Abraham H. Maslow is the basis of much of the work in the field of human motivation. In Year 1941, Maslow witnessed a pathetic and beggarly civilian parade, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, thereafter; Maslow developed his theories of motivation through observation by distinguishing the two types of motives: deficiency motives and growth motives. The previous involve drive reduction and filling an internal lack, while the latter correspond to a higher level of functioning, including pleasurable tension increases and fulfilling one’s unique potential (Ewan, 2003). Building on Murray’s work, Maslow form one of the most well recognized theories of motivation. He identified that there is a hierarchical relationship between the different needs that one have and the basic needs have to be met before the higher level of needs can act as behavioural motivators. The hierarchy of needs from the lowest to highest is: physiological (physical survival) needs, safety and security needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs (Maslow, 1943) (Refer to Appendix 1). However, there were limitations to the hierarchy of  needs model. In reality, people do not work necessarily in accordance to the levels. They are less structuralizing in satisfying their needs. Many can overcome some needs not being met and go on to higher level. Different people with different cultural backgrounds and in different situations may have different hierarchies of needs too. Furthermore, his theory is almost non-testable. The concept is rather vague with many important questions unanswered such as all the needs to be included in each category. Although Maslow clearly states the characteristics of the self-actualizing individual, he has chosen these features primarily on his own subjective judgment using little objective statistical analysis. And due to the limitations, his perspective generated very little experimental research (Carducci, 2009). Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation was based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. (Hollway, 1991) In a research conducted by Herzberg and his associates on 200 engineers and accountants, they identified two groups of factors which give explanation on motivation known as the hygiene factor (job context) and motivator factor (job content). The hygiene factor consisted environmental factors such as salary, supervision, status, job security, working conditions, company policy and administration and interpersonal relations. They named this as hygiene factors as it aids to remove potential cause of dissatisfaction in job situation. Although these factors will not motivate people, they must, however, be present or dissatisfaction will arise. In the other group of factors, Herzberg and his associates revealed what they considered to be real motivators or â€Å"satisfiers.† These factors include the work itself, recognition, and advancement, the possibility of growth, responsibility and achievement (Lorenzana, 1993) (Refer to Appendix 2). In short, hygiene factors allow one to satisfy basic needs and avoid pain, while motivators reflect people’s need for esteem and self-fulfillment (Sargent, 1990). Herzberg’s were criticized by some researchers as the theory was largely based on research with accountants and engineers, so the findings may not apply to shop-floor employees or clerical staff (Sargent, 1990). The age group, gender, job scope and other significant factors might be overlooked in conducting the research. Besides, salary might be one of the motivation factors too, not just to settle dissatisfaction. One prominent attempt to show the connection between different models of motivation and managerial practice was made by  Douglas McGregor in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise (1960). He wrote in his book that â€Å"Man is a wanting animal – as soon as one of his needs is satisfied, another appear in its place.† McGregor was greatly impacted by Maslow, building on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs framework, he came up with two sets of assumptions about people: Theory X and Theory Y. He strongly believed that effective leadership depends on mana gement assumptions about the nature of management and people in general (Sargent, 1990) Theory X stress that the average mankind is naturally lazy, dislike work of any kind and will avoid it whenever possible. One has no ambition and prefers to be led rather than lead and take responsibility. One can be self-centred and unconcerned to the needs of the organization. Moreover, he is gullible and not particularly bright or judicious. Worst, he is resistant to change. They need a mixture of carrot and stick to perform (Lorenzana, 1993) (Refer to appendix 3). Theory Y, on the other hand, defend that the average mankind is not laid-back, nor is he without urge to assume responsibility. He can be self-motivated, and find self-satisfaction in work if the right kind of environment is provided by managers. They are people not by nature passive or resistant to organizational needs (Lorenzana, 1993). One weakness of Theory X is that it exercises a form of social control characterized by strict obedience to the authority of the organization, and maintenance and enforcement of contro l through the employ of oppressive dealings including intimation and mockery of employees. Theory X and Theory Y could hardly be applied as perfect models in the real world. It cannot be accepted too literally due to the dichotomy of unrealistic extremes (Stevens, 2009). Back to where I started from, a more philosophical direction can be used to approach motivation as some theorists see motivation as a much more positive experience. Motivation itself can form behaviours that lead to increases in future motivation. Maslow’s concept of self-actualization could be applied within this framework (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009). Many theorists build on one another theory in aspiration to come up with a more comprehensive approach to motivation, as well as through the research of psychology and behaviour of one. Though there might be limitations to each theory, they are still vastly used by the modern organization, usually a mixed choices of theories. Substantial improvements in the effectiveness should be seen as the social science will continue to contribute to the devel opment of  motivation. Physiological Needs Physiological needs are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc. When these are not satisfied we may feel sickness, irritation, pain, discomfort, etc. These feelings motivate us to alleviate them as soon as possible to establish homeostasis. Once they are alleviated, we may think about other things. Safety Needs Safety needs have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world. These needs are mostly psychological in nature. We need the security of a home and family. However, if a family is dysfunctional, family members cannot move to the next level because they have safety concerns. Love and belongingness have to wait until they are no longer in fear. Many in our society cry out for law and order because they do not feel safe enough to go for a walk in their neighbourhood. Unfortunately many people, particularly those in the inner cities, are stuck at this level. Need to Belong Love and sense of belonging are next on the ladder. Humans have a desire to belong to groups: clubs, work groups, religious groups, family, gangs, etc. We need to feel loved (non-sexual) by others, to be accepted by others. Performers appreciate applause. We need to be needed. We see numerous examples in advertising where our need for group belonging is tied to consumption of a particular product. Esteem Needs There are two types of esteem needs. First is self-esteem which results from competence or mastery of a task. Second, there’s the attention and recognition that comes from others. This is similar to the sense of belonging level; however, wanting admiration has to do with the need for power. People, who have all of their lower needs satisfied, often drive very  expensive cars because doing so raises their level of esteem. Self-Actualization The need for self-actualisations is â€Å"the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.† People who have everything can maximize their potential. They can seek knowledge, peace, aesthetic experiences, self-fulfilment, and oneness with God etc. It is usually middle-class to upper-class students who take up environmental causes, go off to a monastery, etc. (Maslow, 1970) Appendix 2: There are two classes of factors that influence employee motivation; intrinsic factors and the extrinsic factors. The intrinsic factors were also called the motivator factors and were related to job satisfaction. The extrinsic factors were called hygiene factors and were related to job dissatisfaction. Motivators (intrinsic factors) led to job satisfaction because of a need for growth and self actualization, and hygiene (extrinsic) factors led to job dissatisfaction because of a need to avoid unpleasantness. The negative or positive KITA or â€Å"kick in the ass† approach to employee motivation yields short- range results, but rarely generates any actual motivation. In fact, to call it an â€Å"approach to motivation† is to clearly misunderstand motivation as Herzberg understood it. KITA yields movement — the avoidance of pain — not motivation. Positive KITA, in the form of raises and incentives reduces time spent at work, inflates wages and benefits, and overemphasizes human relations. K-I-T-A techniques fail to instill self-generating motivation in workers. Job content factors, such as achievement and responsibility, are motivators, while job environment factors are hygiene or KITA factors. Motivators are the key to satisfaction. (F. Herzberg, ‘Management Review, 1971, pp. 2-5) Appendix 3: Theory X Theory X’s hard-line approach is grounded in coercion, implicit threats and intimation, close supervision, and tight command and control. Such an  approach typically results in hostility, purposely low output, and hard-line union demands. In contrast, a softer approach might produce an ever-increasing request for more rewards and ever decreasing work output. References Alexender, P.A, Winne, P.H 2006, Handbook of Educational Psychology (2nd ed.), Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Mahwah: New Jersey, USA Carducci, B.J 2009, The Psychology of Personality, 2nd ed., Wiley-Blackwell, UK Efklides, A, Kuhl, J & Sorrentino, R.M 2001, Trends and Prospects in Motivation Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands Ewan, R.B 2003, An Introduction to Theories of Personality, 6th ed., Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Mahwah: New Jersey, USA Hollway, W 2001, Work Psychology and Organizational Behaviour: Managing the Individual at Work, SAGE Publications Ltd, London Lorenzana, C.C 1993, Management Theory And Practice, Rex Printing Company, Inc., Florentino St. Quezon City, Philippines Maslow, A.H 1970, Motivation and Personality, Harper and Row, New York Maslow, A.H 1943, A Theory of Human Motivation, Psychological Review, Vol.50 â€Å"Motivation.†, Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009. Encyclopedia Britannica, viewed on 21Sep 2009, . Pintrich, P.R, & Schunk, D.H 2002, Motivation in education Theory research, and application, 2nd ed., Merrill Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River: New Jersey, USA Sargent, A 1990, Turning People On: The Motivation Challenge, Short Run Press Ltd, Great Britain Stevens, D.J 2009, An Introduction to American Policing, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC, USA Winne, P & Marx, R 1989, A Cognitive-processing Analysis of Motivation with Classroom Tasks, In C.Ames R.Ames (EDs.) Research on motivation in education (Vol 3.), FL Academic Press, Orlando

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jean Piaget

The history of psychology dates back to the ancient Greeks, Callahan and India. There are even some records of psychology dating back to ancient Egypt. Psychology is the study of the human mind and it's functions. It used to be a branch of philosophy, but in the asses it developed into an independent science, when Wilhelm Wound founded the first laboratory dedicated to psychology. In the ancient times, psychology had to do with evil spirits and souls, which remedies were incinerations and curses. Right now, In modern times, we know that psychology has nothing to do with that, but with the rain and the way it works.Jean Pigged was born In Nucleus, Switzerland in 1896. He did his license and PhD on biology at the university of his hometown. It was his background on biology, and his interest on epistemology (the theory of knowledge), that made him want to find out how the mind comes to know knowledge, objects and concepts, which then lead him to study the development of children, especi ally his own. He observed, talked and listen to them, as well as other children, while he performed exercises to test his theories, studies that he then published and helped IM create his theory.Piglet's theory is called Intellectual Development, it is based on the maturation of the human. It was divided into four stages. These stages happen in between the ages of O and 15 years old. The first stage that happens between the age of O and 2, it is called Seismometer Stage. Children start to differentiate themselves from objects and knows more about himself and where he is. Also a key think kids learn Is that if parents or any object Is outside of his sight It will continue to exist.Pre-operational stage comes around 2-7 years of age, the most important thing happening in this stage is that children learn how to use language and by using this skill they represent objects by words or images. Children begin to use symbols to represent objects, also they don't have a sense of time and are influenced by fantasy and think others fantasize like them. Concrete Operational is the stage happening while the child is 7 to 12 years old. During this age children get more comfortable with themselves, and develop an ability to think and make judgment about important things.In this stage It Is common that children ask many questions and would like to explain things to their parents. The last stage of Piglet's theory is called Formal Operational Stage, in this stage teenagers are Individual and know how to make complete Judgment by themselves. Teenagers are capable or reasoning and will be more open and have a wide range of ideas because they can consider many possibilities and see from different perspectives Jean Piglets theory of intellectual development Is very similar but at the same time very different than Erikson theory.Piglet's theory is based on maturation and what children and adults hint and develop while growing up, while Erikson theory is more about what you feel and who you are as a person and the people you interact with. The theories are similar at only the beginning, in the first stage when they talk about tact and how the children develop feelings with the persons they love. And finally another similarity Is that all the stages last till death. In Piglet's theory you stop developing at age 16, childhood, allotted and elderly.The two theories are different in many ways but both have the same base idea, you could say that Jean and Erik had the same Houghton, but then developed a different concept for finishing their theories. Pigged is one of the most important psychologists of the modern times, and with out a doubt, the most important child psychologist. He is very well recognized around the world for his theory on child development as well as the series of books he has written on it. Jean Piglet's theory is more about maturation, rather than Erosion's, that is more about what a person is feeling throughout his or her whole life.His theory has four stages which are: The seismometer stage (0-2 years), the Pre-operational stage (2-7 ears), the concrete operational stage (7-12) and the formal operational stage (12 and above). Teenagers who are 12 and above have a wider range of ideas and they have judgment. Erickson theory has stages begin from the moment in which a person is born, to the moment in which a person dies. He explains how your life can change if a stage in your life isn't satisfactory. Usually, a teenager isn't mature enough until he or she has reached an age above 12. Jean Piaget The history of psychology dates back to the ancient Greeks, Callahan and India. There are even some records of psychology dating back to ancient Egypt. Psychology is the study of the human mind and it's functions. It used to be a branch of philosophy, but in the asses it developed into an independent science, when Wilhelm Wound founded the first laboratory dedicated to psychology. In the ancient times, psychology had to do with evil spirits and souls, which remedies were incinerations and curses. Right now, In modern times, we know that psychology has nothing to do with that, but with the rain and the way it works.Jean Pigged was born In Nucleus, Switzerland in 1896. He did his license and PhD on biology at the university of his hometown. It was his background on biology, and his interest on epistemology (the theory of knowledge), that made him want to find out how the mind comes to know knowledge, objects and concepts, which then lead him to study the development of children, especi ally his own. He observed, talked and listen to them, as well as other children, while he performed exercises to test his theories, studies that he then published and helped IM create his theory.Piglet's theory is called Intellectual Development, it is based on the maturation of the human. It was divided into four stages. These stages happen in between the ages of O and 15 years old. The first stage that happens between the age of O and 2, it is called Seismometer Stage. Children start to differentiate themselves from objects and knows more about himself and where he is. Also a key think kids learn Is that if parents or any object Is outside of his sight It will continue to exist.Pre-operational stage comes around 2-7 years of age, the most important thing happening in this stage is that children learn how to use language and by using this skill they represent objects by words or images. Children begin to use symbols to represent objects, also they don't have a sense of time and are influenced by fantasy and think others fantasize like them. Concrete Operational is the stage happening while the child is 7 to 12 years old. During this age children get more comfortable with themselves, and develop an ability to think and make judgment about important things.In this stage It Is common that children ask many questions and would like to explain things to their parents. The last stage of Piglet's theory is called Formal Operational Stage, in this stage teenagers are Individual and know how to make complete Judgment by themselves. Teenagers are capable or reasoning and will be more open and have a wide range of ideas because they can consider many possibilities and see from different perspectives Jean Piglets theory of intellectual development Is very similar but at the same time very different than Erikson theory.Piglet's theory is based on maturation and what children and adults hint and develop while growing up, while Erikson theory is more about what you feel and who you are as a person and the people you interact with. The theories are similar at only the beginning, in the first stage when they talk about tact and how the children develop feelings with the persons they love. And finally another similarity Is that all the stages last till death. In Piglet's theory you stop developing at age 16, childhood, allotted and elderly.The two theories are different in many ways but both have the same base idea, you could say that Jean and Erik had the same Houghton, but then developed a different concept for finishing their theories. Pigged is one of the most important psychologists of the modern times, and with out a doubt, the most important child psychologist. He is very well recognized around the world for his theory on child development as well as the series of books he has written on it. Jean Piglet's theory is more about maturation, rather than Erosion's, that is more about what a person is feeling throughout his or her whole life.His theory has four stages which are: The seismometer stage (0-2 years), the Pre-operational stage (2-7 ears), the concrete operational stage (7-12) and the formal operational stage (12 and above). Teenagers who are 12 and above have a wider range of ideas and they have judgment. Erickson theory has stages begin from the moment in which a person is born, to the moment in which a person dies. He explains how your life can change if a stage in your life isn't satisfactory. Usually, a teenager isn't mature enough until he or she has reached an age above 12.

Poetry can bring to life experiences and ideas Essay

Q. â€Å"Poetry can bring to life experiences and ideas which are otherwise difficult for us to understand what is your response to this view?† My personal response of poetry being the â€Å"subject and formulae†, for individuals helping them to understand complicated life matters, which are difficult for us to understand is shown by comparing the two poems ‘London’ by William Blake and ‘Prayer before birth’ by Louis MacNeice. We can begin to comprehend the authors individual thoughts and feelings by analysing them through our own interpretation of language, form and structure of the poem. â€Å"Prayer before birth† is written in 1944 which is at the end of the second world war. This poem reflects the innocence of a child in the mothers womb being brought into a world of experience and temptation. It is quite ironic to have a an unborn baby â€Å"knowing† of the outside world and experiences as of yet not being born. But MacNeice uses clever imagery â€Å"†¦Let not the bloodsucking bat or the rat or the stoat or the club – footed ghoul come near me.† This gives us more of an image of how both innocence and experience differ from one another. This poem is a prayer which is to protect the innocence of the unborn child – to nurture them constructively against the pressures they might experience in the twentieth century. The way that MacNeice has constructed the poem is by conologically going through life experiences as we keep on reading. This is taken from the second stanza by asking God to not allow people to influence him into bad doings, where here he has a choice from early on in life to make the right decisions and choose the right pathway, however if he doesn’t this is related to the seventh stanza where his doings now turn into something which he has no control over and that it is â€Å"leathal automation†, due to the experience he is accustomed to. Even the structure of the poem visually illustrates the beginning to the ending of his â€Å"life† as each stanza gets narrower. But by looking at the seventh Stanza, also its the language of the poem becoming quicker,as we proceed toward the end of the poem altogether â€Å"†¦hither and thither or hither and thither..† This in comparison to the poem ‘London’ by Wiliam Blake. Where by the poem is of the Romanics which tends to attack the form of experience as it is alongside innocence due to nature not nurture. A poem of social protest, against the suffering of all who live in a world such as this. Written in 1789 (during the french revolution, and also the british industrial revolution). It’s about misery and human despair, the â€Å"mind forg’d manacles† of depression imprisoning people. The rapidly indutrialising economy and society corrupt and poisin all those who live in it. This poem is about how people may disfunctionally go through experience and end up passing their knowledge through to the next innocent generation. Blake tends to use the imagery of cjildren a lot as they symbolise purity and power. His argument is that if childhood is reacked then so is the the adult that they become. Throught every stage of his poem he uses a more innocent imagery of a child from â€Å"infant† to â€Å"new born infant†. Also he uses clever imagery of purity contrasted against impurity. Quite a few oximorons are used to contast imagery in the poem. Showing how the worldof experience can quickly corruptand destroy the innocence. â€Å"†¦Every black’ning Church appals;† â€Å"Black’ning† meaning dirty metaphorically and also literally. This also shows the church which is appuled by the conditions but turns a blind eye, â€Å"black’ning† is contrasted with purity which is supposed to be of the church , but the chuch is blackned by turning a blind eye. This imagery is used to show the state of human nature which people usually turn a blind eye. â€Å"†¦How the youthful Harlot’s curse† Blake uses his imagery of a young prosititute, which here is also contrasted with innocence which is corrupted. â€Å"†¦chimey-sweepers cry† is exploiting innocence. Becoming black,dark and tained. Also the dying breath of the solider,which is infact the last dying breath of the solider, this is about ordinary people killing ordinary people for causes which may not benefit them,thihs maybe could be connected to revolution. Therefore the running of blood down place walls,shows the guilt on the monarchy. â€Å"†¦Runs in blood down place walls† London is about how the controlling nature takes over innocence and the experience is now of automation. He shows this in the first stanza where theart of mapping, controlling, and resitricting are contrasted against the â€Å"flow† of the Thames. Not a poem of observed factual detail but Blake’s perception of London, he uses the traditional form of alternate rhyming lines to imitate the repititive predictability of the circle of suffering. Blake has experience of London so he is able to reflect back from when he was an innocent child to now of what he holds the knowledge of experience. This is shown in the first line of the poem: â€Å"†¦I wander thro’ each charter’d street,† The lyrical quality is quite simplistic it is not a performance based poem. Alliteration is used to addto the imagery Blake is trying to create of London. The words â€Å"weakness,† and â€Å"Woe† makes the poem sound of a feeble minded and gives the feeling of a spiritual lack of strengh of character. In the second stanza â€Å"every† is used to add imact which is used constanmtly through the first, second and third lines. The poem it self is quite short and in every stanza thereis four lines, the imagery is also quite strong in the short space Blake has used to give us an idea of what he feels London is all about. This could be due to having to get his point across to people Both these poems, in my opinion, share feelings of concern and disgust for experience. If i had to pick which one I prefered I would choose the Blake poem. This is because the meaning of the words is more clearcut. I accept that the point of the MacNeice poem may be to leave it up to the reader to decide whether or not the poem is sarcastic or not. But I dont consider this device to be particularly effective ; thought provoking maybe but not effective. The Blake poem is also more emotionally charged and melodramatic it is almost scary as the poem relates to London which is a mere 10-15 miles away and sadly corruption and sexually transmitted diseases are still relevant themes today.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Performing Arts and Digital Reproduction Essay

The Performing Arts and Digital Reproduction - Essay Example Quality in the presentation of performing arts is not as enhanced as it is in the recorded arts, which poses a huge threat to attendance of theatre sessions. Technology has made a huge contribution in visual, audio and presentation for art, which is also taking part in the performing arts. Even if the two arts cannot be compared in terms of presentation quality, the relative role of performing arts by far out-competes recordings. According to Bendixen (2010), the status of performing arts in the society is indispensable concerning social vitality. He states that specifically, the modern society gets integrated in shaping the societies values, norms and structures using communication as the fundamental communication tool. The relative drop in the quality of art cannot therefore stand in the way of art achieving this objective. Location of attending a performance creates a lasting impression in the experience obtained in a performance. Human beings are social creatures that place a lot of importance in their emotions, especially when the environment becomes a factor. For instance, watching a movie at home with the family cannot be compared to attending a live performance with the family in a theatre. Romantic experiences have been reported to be at a pick high when an outing to a live art show is preferred in place of watching a romantic movie indoors. Social role of live performances cannot be captured in a better way than when social functions are taking place. It occupies a crucial position.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

In what ways can the philosophy and practice of cultural proficiency Essay

In what ways can the philosophy and practice of cultural proficiency offer solutions to unequal health outcomes for Indigenous Australians - Essay Example They still struggle against discrimination in all areas including health and social care. Australia’s Aboriginal population teaches two contrasting truths: â€Å"the crucial significance of culture in people’s lives† (O’Hagan, 2001, p.93), and the cultural insensitivity among those in authority including health care professionals towards minority cultural groups. According to the RACP (2004), the inequality in health status of indigenous populations in Australia is directly related to systemic discrimination. Health inequalities can be corrected only by achieving fundamental changes in the dominant Australian population’s behavior towards Aboriginal people. Ensuring equality in the indigenous groups is vital for the improvement of their health. Thus, â€Å"racist treatment should be recognised as a social determinant of health† (Larson et al, 2007, p.322), leading to inequalities in well-being and protection from diseases. (CSDH, 2008). Together, the conditions of daily life and the structural determinants consisting of distribution of power, income, goods and services, and the consequent unfairness in access to basic amenities such as health care are the major reasons for health inequities among indigenous groups (CSDH, 2008). Appropriate and adequate provisions are required for health care. For example, Kildea et al (2010) state that poor maternal and infant health outcomes can be improved for indigenous populations through an intensive, coordinated strategy to close the gap between the requirement and the provision of facilities to fulfill the requirement. Further, there is a lack of sensitivity to the crucial cultural philosophies and practices of the indigenous groups, with attempts to compel them into the mainstream population, while depriving them of access to basic amenities. Since the health outcomes of the indigenous

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The topic is to discuss developing a case study to analyze and solve Assignment

The topic is to discuss developing a case study to analyze and solve - Assignment Example According to Herzlinger (2006) strong nursing leadership, integrated with a transformational style of leadership would be most effective in overseeing the successful realization of new procedures such as electronic documentation systems in the merged organization (Amerson, 2011). The procedures conducted in nursing homes are usually conducted by nurses. This means that the nurses are in the best position to support urgency for implementing the changes needed while also communicating the vision of change to other medical workers. Nurses can also easily empower each others’ initiatives to support the change while also revising the new merged organization's internal culture so as to create new traditions. Overseeing the Installation of a new Documentation System During transitional phases during which important changes are occurring due to mergers, it might be necessary to employ additional workers who are tasked with helping with implementation challenges. This is especially imp ortant if either of the nursing homes are short-staffed. Even in case the nursing home is fully staffed, it might be necessary for additional staff to be hired so that the nurses have a chance to focus on learning the new methods of operation and adapt to them. This will require time as well as energy. The nurses from the different nursing homes may also require additional time in which to test the efficiency of new operational methods. Since each nursing home’s former documentation models were different there will be a need to test the most efficient method before implementing it in the merged institution (Walker, 2006). This precedes a combined educational training course conducted for the workers of both nursing homes together. The Importance of Mergers between two Nursing Homes Mergers always result in more profits for the health institutions concerned. Such productivity ensures that the institutions survive in an increasingly competitive economy. At present, many nurses working in nursing homes are forced to work in spite of shrinking reimbursements. To remain productive in an age in which the federal healthcare reforms are likely to result in negative financial consequences, mergers have to be implemented (Large, McLeod, Cunningham and Kitson, 2005). Mergers will be a way for both nursing homes to remain solvent while catering to the main objective- the care of patients. Merging will also result in reduced costs as the two nursing homes will be able to use their unity as leverage when purchasing larger supplies. The new merged institution will be able to ask for volume discounts due to higher usage. In addition, if one of the nursing homes were struggling, renovations made in order to make it possible for both institutions to merge would cause make it more lucrative. Why Merger between the Nursing Homes can be difficult to Implement The process of merging, though, is not easily accomplished. There are difficulties in deciding on the operations to streamline, as well as the different methods of documentation used by both nursing homes. When the workers of one nursing home are not well acquainted with their prospective partners, there may be discomfort between the staff of both homes. There may also be changes in leadership that confuse the staff or make them apprehensive about

Friday, July 26, 2019

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business Essay - 8

Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business - Essay Example In this case, Green Parma validly withdrew the offer before it had not yet been accepted by the clients; as such the vendor cannot make claims for any damages. Yes. This promise can be enforced. This is because there is an offer, consideration and acceptance of the remunerative gift for the hard work (McKendrick, 2012). Although, one may argue that there is no valid agreement with Tania such promises of gift are deemed as having been accepted when there is no counter-offer by the beneficiary or where an open refusal of the same is lacking. In respect of the ruling in Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd. v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223, this promise can be enforced on the grounds that Tania in her supervisory capacity â€Å"willingly† made a compensatory â€Å"offer† to me; as such I developed reasonable expectations that are enforceable. Yes. This contract is legally enforceable. Courts often hold that there is a valid contract where the parties involved are in agreement to perform each of their side of the bargain. In light of this, using Joe’s car obligates me to make contributions towards the purchase of the fuel. However, my refusal to board his car would mean a refusal of the offer and the subsequent legal relations required under the enforcement of a valid contract. The warranty contract between Alban and Brenda’s Garage Ltd ended after 3 months of the purchase. Brenda’s Garage Ltd gave him the option to extend the guarantee for two years at the price of  £350, which would have extended the parameters of his claims. Therefore, the expiry of the warranty then raises the issue of whether Brenda is under the obligation to service the material damage to its engine and gearbox. It can be argued that the warranty was valid because it met the conditions of reasonableness; and the car was of merchantable quality at the time of the purchase. Any defects in the engine and the gearbox could have been noticed by the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Was Ford Ethically Right in Its Decision to Design Improvements and Th Assignment

Was Ford Ethically Right in Its Decision to Design Improvements and Thereby Risk the Lives of Its Consumers - Assignment Example Ford was ethically wrong in its decision to forego the improvements and thereby risk the lives of its consumers. In any case, it certainly appears that Ford was rushing against time to capture the market and overcome its competitors in the compact car industry. On ethical and moral judgments, a decision informed by material benefits at the expense of human lives is certainly wrong and misguided. Worse still, the cost-benefit analysis conducted by Ford amounted to involving its consumers in a deal of which they were totally oblivious. For such a decision to qualify on ethical grounds, the automaker would have made public its decisions on the faults of the vehicle and the subsequent cost-benefit analysis so as to inform the potential buyers of Pinto. In such a case, the company would be exonerated from the faults that came as a consequence of the defect in the vehicle. Moral conduct regards human lives as totally absolute and should never be quantified with other material products.Huma n beings are generally risk-averse and would not really partake into evitable instances where their lives are put to risk. The passing on of the $11 to the customers comes after the maintenance has been made and the vehicle is devoid of the risk. In this case, the rationality of the customer does not, therefore, come in. their decision to buy the car is therefore pegged upon another thing like cost and taste but not a risk. It is therefore certainly much different from the case of the airbags which are optional and the consumer has to make a decision.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

Strategic Marketing - Essay Example In the race to capture the lead in India for the most popular sportswear, Reebok has created the strongest showing in the market using their popularity to create new avenues of profit. Critically evaluate the strategic role of a sportswear manufacturer marketing function in achieving competitive advantage for the organisation. Support your answer with examples from the Reebok vs Nike case study. Nike and Reebok have entered into the sportswear manufacturing market through creating strong, identifiable brands that promote more than just the goods that they sell. Through powerful branding and globalization of their brand, they have made a mark on the industry as representative of lifestyles that include health and athletics. While both brands are distinctive, the Nike name and the iconic swoosh has outdistanced its competitors in recognizability. Through branding that creates attractive lifestyles, both brands have made their mark in the sportswear manufacturing industry. Nike’s most powerful advertising weapon is its brand. The Nike swoosh is a powerful pop culture icon. Slaughter and Rhodes suggest that â€Å"the effect of contemporary branding strategies is to push the ’host’ or sponsored culture into the background so that the brand emerges as the ’star’ (Slaughter and Rhoades, 2004, p. 261). In order to support the brand, the swoosh is on every piece of product that is put out into the market. The founder of Nike, Phil Knight, suggested that it wasn’t the mission of Nike to sell shoes, but to make peoples lives better through sports and fitness. The image became so powerful that by the decade of the 90‘s the name of the company was no longer needed in order to create recognition (Slaughter and Rhoades, 2004, p. 261). Nike has had some problems with proven claims of human rights violations in the factories that are subcontracted to produce their product. At the height of this, the Nike company decided to get ri d of the swoosh in order to allay the associations that the public was making to their problems in social responsibility issues. However, as Le Pla (2002) suggests â€Å"Changing an image in response to criticism makes sense. Dropping or reducing the visibility of a highly successful association does not† (p. 49). The brand icon has such a high recognition rate that it is foolish to abandon the brand icon, but to repair the image of the brand so that the associations are sanitized. In conjunction with their high visibility in branding, phrases have been associated with Nike in promoting their belief that every person is an athlete, therefore every person has the potential to be a consumer of their goods. A simple, yet powerful message was erected within the Nike mythology when the â€Å"Just Do It† campaign created a concept of the power of the athlete within everyone. The phrase suggested that no excuses would be allowed, that all goals should be achieved. The stateme nt had the power of a command, bringing an association of power to the athletic wear. The advertising premise, according to Nike, was â€Å" If you have a body, you are an athlete† (Nikeid 2011). The target audience for the Nike marketing concept is everyone without regard to age, health level, body shape, or sex. The original market was geared towards young athletes, but in this age the marketing has been

The Patriots Victory at Saratoga Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Patriots Victory at Saratoga - Research Paper Example The British wanted to suppress the inner rebellions in the country in order to prevent any sort of foreign intervention. Hence, The British advanced to take control over the Hudson River which was of great strategic importance. The first Battle of Saratoga is also known as the battle of freeman’s farm which took place on 19th September, 1777. This is where the British army led by Burgoyne faced part of the General Gates’ army. There was extreme exchange of gun fire and British army was in need of immediate assistance. The distressed British force was able to mark its dominance in the battlefield only when it received military assistance from the German troops. The Americans were able to retreat under the cover of night and hence the British emerged as victors. Despite their victory, the British suffered heavy casualties and more than 600 died in this battle with the Americans still blocking their way to Albany. 1 The British army waited for few days and planned out batt le strategies about the ways they could strike after they receive military aid. While the British army was waiting for the aid, the Patriots were busy in reorganizing and reinforcing their army.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Production of Frozen Foods for Export in Thailand Dissertation

Production of Frozen Foods for Export in Thailand - Dissertation Example The US and UK's economies were promising but their consumption patterns were not. Both countries had plenty of frozen foods in the market already; this means that Thailand exporters would have to have a solid product and good marketing strategies. All in all, Thailand exporters should proceed with the venture but they should concentrate their efforts in China then the US and the UK in that order. Contents Declaration 1 Acknowledgement 2 ABSTRACT 3 Contents 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION 6 1.1 Background to study 6 1.2 Objectives of the research 15 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 16 2.1 An examination of exporting theories as applied to Thailand 16 2.2 Factors that Thailand exporters have considered before exportation 21 2.3 Thai's frozen food industry 25 3.0 METHODOLOGY 30 3.1 Overall research strategy 30 3.2 Secondary research 30 3.21 Why secondary research was chosen 34 3.3 Primary research: Online questionnaires 34 3.31 Why online questionnaires were chosen 34 3.32 Problems of using online questionnaires 36 3.4 Methodology 37 3.41 Sampling design and strategy 37 3.42 The process 40 3.43 Sampling criteria 42 4.0 RESULTS 45 4.1 SECONDARY DATA 45 4.12 Feasibility of producing frozen food with reference to a particular exporter in Thailand 45 4.13 Market potential of target countries 48 4. 14 Why the springboard to foreign markets 64 4.2 PRIMARY DATA 64 4.21 Questionnaire results 64 5.0 DATA ANALYSIS (QUESTIONNAIRE) 67 6.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 69 6.1 Thailand 69 6. 11 Analysis of Thailand's macro economic situation in relation to its export potential 69 6.12 Analysis of Thailand's frozen food sector and capability 71 6.2 China 72 6. 21 Analysis of Chinese market potential in... From the statistics indicating the performance of Thailand products in the local frozen food industry, there is a lot of promise for further expansion. The government provides incentives for the manufacture of goods. On top of that, the country is technologically prepared to take up this venture as other commodities have fared very well in the Thai market. The country’s economy has been growing dramatically over the last few years and can, therefore, sustain large-scale production. The country is richly endowed with agricultural commodities which are a crucial part of the frozen food industry. If kept unchecked, it could affect the nature of trade in the country and must be controlled. All in all, Thai is definitely ready for the international manufacturer of frozen foods since it has already started doing this locally. Consequently, Thailand stands to reap benefits of exporting into China. However, some caution should be taken with the nature of the population. It would be advisable for exporters to adhere to regional preferences while offering foods there. On top of that, Thailand exporters need to be wary of competition from local frozen food producers. Therefore, more quality will out-compete these individuals. On top of that, there are higher chances of succeeding in the market, if the country focuses its sales on the eastern coastal areas first. This is because the urban population is located there and they are more exposed to convenience foods rather than those ones in the central region.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Management Accounting Change Essay Example for Free

Management Accounting Change Essay Describe the ‘Challenge of Management Accounting Change’ in light of recent research findings and discuss, how can this change help an organisation, in getting its strategic, tactical and operating objectives? Management accounting change and the continuously changing roles of management accountants have dominated accounting literature for the past few decades and the theme of management accounting change procedures has been a topical issue of many studies such as Baines and Langfield-Smith, 2003; Kapla, 1985 and Granlund and Lukka, 1998, just to name a few. In order to understand the relationship between a firms strategy and objectives with its management accounting systems, it is necessary to first define the latter. The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) define Management Accounting as the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. Management accounting also comprises the preparation of financial reports for non-management groups such as shareholders, creditors, regulatory agencies and tax authorities. It is important to explore the extent to which management and strategic concerns are driven by accounting practices, and also how accounting practices are mediated by the views that managers have of the role of accounting (Burns et. al, 1999). Changes in Management Accounting can be viewed as an inevitable process, and they are also intrinsically interlinked to not only changes in a firms strategy, but also with environmental changes. Both internal and external changes in our economic and business environment are the dominating factors in the change of management accounting practices within organisations. This view that change is inevitable has been supported by Kaplan (1985), where he details the change as a cause-effect relationship. In short, management accounting systems have to change whenever there is any sort of change in an organisations business or economic environment. Organizational change is frequently a response to environmental change; such as changes in competition, or changes in laws and legislation. So if Management Accounting change occurs due to organizational change, it is important to note the indirect link between environmental change and management accounting change (Burns et. al, 1999). Wijewardena and De Zoysa (1999) support this idea by detailing that the success of an organisations strategy can be determined by how quickly and effectively management accountants can adapt to their systems to ever changing environmental and economic conditions, thereby supporting the link between management accounting practices and the business environment. It is fair to state that there are a number of factors that can influence change in management accounting and these factors are both internal and external. A research project on management accounting change in the UK, that was funded by CIMA and the Economic and Social Research Council was conducted between 1995 and 1998 by Burns et. al (1999). The study aimed to investigate changes in management accounting systems, the changing role of management accountants and the adoption of modern accounting techniques. The study initially sought to settle the claim that management accounting had not changed in more than 60 years (Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). The initial stages of the research found that management accounting practices use traditional accounting systems and modern techniques such as Activity-Based Costing and Strategic Management Accounting were not being used as much as expected. One reason for management accounting changes is the general economic factors such as the globalisation of markets. Changes in technology are another key factor, especially changes in information systems and methods of production. It is in this context that changes in management accounting have taken place. Changes in information technology have allowed for accounts and information to be dispersed around the organisation and managers have a more profound and hands on role within a firm. This in turn indefinitely has an impact on how objectives are met and how strategies and tactics are implemented to achieve, said objectives. This has led to a decentring of accounting knowledge, meaning that it is not only specified accountants who have knowledge of a company’s accounts, but also managers and their subordinates. This gives managers a greater ownership of information and it also means that they have to have an increased knowledge of accounting systems. Ezzamel (1997) states that a lack of change in accounting practices is presented as being not only detrimental to business interests but also threatening to corporate survival. However we must also look at external environmental factors and how they affect management accounting systems. A definition stated by Macy and Arunachalam (1995) define an external environment as a phenomenon that is external and have either potential or actual influence on organisations. However we must reiterate the fact that organisations of no control whatsoever over external factors. It is in an organisations best interest to take any external factors that could affect their operations, into consideration and to recognise them for their long term survival. External factors create a lot of uncertainty for firms. This uncertainty means that companies have to learn to adapt to sudden changes in external environmental business factors. Research by Mia and Patiar (2001) show that organisations must have more refined management accounting practices in order to operates successfully in uncertain business environments. There are also a number of views that contradict the idea that management accounting systems are directly influenced by external environmental factors. The idea of uncertainty, according to Chapman (1997), can be linked to internal factors as well as external factors. More research shows that external factors affecting management accounting can be dealt with in the way internal managers and accountants actually perceive the external variables. Despite the vast amount of advantages to management accounting and organizational change, there are also downsides to such changes. Burns, Scapens and Ezzamel (1999), show that accounting change can challenge existing routines and institutions within an organisation. This can then lead to conflict and resistance within employees, managers and perhaps even board members. Goal congruence may disappear, and an organisations strategy to achieve objectives may be hindered with the lack of an aligning view from all the members who have succumbed to the initial accounting change. Burns et al. (1999) also state that it can be a difficult process for previous systems to be unlearned. A major role for management accounting systems is to motivate behaviours of employees and managers in line with the desires of the organisation as a whole. A great problem is that many managers try to implement new accounting systems without taking into consideration the behavioural implications and consequences of employees with regards to these systems. The lack of goal congruence and effective communication can lead to low motivation and dysfunctional behaviour of employees. A change in an existing system will reduce employees’ knowledge and skill thereby affecting the effectiveness to achieve company objectives. Implementation of new techniques has to be orchestrated with great care and communicated thoroughly throughout the organisation. Accounting practices and emerging routines can be said to be institutionalised when they become widely accepted in the organisation such that they become the unquestionable form of management control. In which case, they are an inherent feature of the management control process, and represent expected forms of behaviour and define the relations between the various organisational groups (Burns and Scapens, 2000). Burns et. al study of CHEM, a small chemicals manufacturer showed that a change in the accounting and organisational systems had little impact on the company as a whole and it did not change their previous ways of thinking. This led to conflict between individual members of the chemical manufacturing company. Later, the new accounting systems were scrapped as they offered little benefits to the company; there had been very little change in the routines, institutions and systems of the firm. There are also claims that management accounting does not always change or respond to environmental or business changes. For example Kaplan (1984) suggests that despite significant changes to the business environment, such as increased competition and continuous changes in technologies and production processes, there has been no signicant changes in management accounting to match since 1925. Research conducted by Horngren (1995) and Burns et. al (1999) show that firms still tend to use traditional management accounting methods instead of adopting new techniques such as ABC. It is also important to note that their has also been a lack of implementation of non-financial measures such as Total Quality Management, Strategic Management Advice or Internal Financial Presentation and Communication. The absences of modern accounting methods support the claim that there is indeed in some cases little change within organisations from traditional accounting systems to new techniques. It is a difficult process to draw a set conclusion on the effectiveness of management accounting change. It is evident that there are vast pools of research both supporting the idea that management accounting hange is beneficial in aiding an organisations strategy but there is an equal amount of research to support the idea that change in accounting systems is derogatory to the success and progress of a business. It is fair to say that further external factors can determine how successful accounting change can be for a firm. For example we must take into account cultural and political factors of the country a particular organisation resides in to fully understand the implications of strategic, and management accounting change. It is impossible to apply findings from research to every company, because in short, every company is different; be it its strategy, its structure, its ethics or its objectives. We must be liberal in what we determine is successful implementation of management accounting change. The change that has taken place in organisations cannot be pinpointed to solely a change in management accounting systems and techniques but it is in fact the change in how these new systems are used and implemented (Burns et. al 2000) and these changes are more often than not part of wider changes of the organisation as a whole.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Discontinuities using Automatic Flaw Detectors

Discontinuities using Automatic Flaw Detectors EET 333 Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials Lab Report # 3 -Calibration Procedure and Evaluations of Discontinuities using Automatic Flaw Detectors USM 35, USN 58, USN 60 Statement of Objective In the lab manual experiment 5 and experiment 6 were displayed as separate experiments. In experiment 5, the setup of the equipment with programming the device and calibrating the setup for the GE Inspection technologies Portable Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors USM 35X, USN 58L, and USN60. In this experiment all the calibration was using the GE Inspection technologies Portable Ultrasonic Flaw Detector USN 60 The objectives for experiment 5 was to manage the setup of the Ultrasonic Flaw Detector was correct and to manage to calibrate the Ultrasonic Flaw Detector for different probes. The probes are straight beam probe and angle beam probe; these are also methods of calibration. The other two methods of calibration are area amplitude and distance amplitude calibration. In experiment 6, the evaluation of discontinuities using the GE Inspection technologies Portable Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors USM 35X, USN 58L, and USN 60. In this experiment, all data that was collected and saved was using the GE Inspection technologies Portable Ultrasonic Flaw DetectorUSN 60. The objectives for experiment 6 were to seek and find discontinuities in particular steel and aluminum. Steel and aluminum was used in the experiment to find the lengths and configuration of the defect or discontinuities in every piece tested. The two techniques used are the 6 dB drop and weld testing. Theory In experiment 5, the setup of the equipment and calibrating the setup for the GE Inspection technologies Portable Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors. These Detectors each have their own purpose in the field of nondestructive evaluation of materials and produce ultrasonic waves through the probe(s) and display the received signals on the screen on the device. There are many different probes that can be attached to the devices. The model USM 35X is a smaller unit that has a battery for an easier way to use in the field, the USN 58L and USN60 are larger models also the USN 60 is an updated version of the USN 58L. Both the USN 58L and USN60 still have batteries for portability but are mostly used in a stationed area. All of these detectors are capable to be connected to computers and using the program ULTRADOC to save images on the devices. In each experiment, there were many different probes used. These probes and methods were used to produce a refracted shear or longitudinal waves in the specimen. In experiment 5 the probes used were single probe and dual probe for straight beam probe. A single probe has only one element. A duel probe has two elements, each element is angled in a way that when one sends a triangle shaped wave and comes back it can be received by the other element. Before putting the probe directly on the material a gel must be added to make a gapless space and to allow the transmission of the ultrasonic waves to go through to the specimen successfully. When using the angle probe method, the gel must be between the wedge and specimen but also must be between the transducer and the wedge. The angle probe method uses a single probe that is attached to a wedge that has a specific angle and is only used for that material. In experiment 5, there were many types of methods to calibrate the device. The different types were straight beam probe, angle beam probe, area amplitude, and distance amplitude calibrations. In each calibration method a different block was used. In straight beam probe calibrations use a step calibration block and can be made from many different materials, but in this experiment we used steel, aluminum and Plexiglas substances which had 5 steps on each block. The block started at .5 and decreased to .1 in increments of .1.The blocks used to calibrate angle beam probes were the IIW block and the small angle calibration blocks which were both made of steel. These blocks are the reference standards used for steel calibration. The blocks used for area amplitude and distance amplitude calibrations are the ATSM blocks set. The set includes nine blocks of steel with a diameter of 1-15/16th inches and have a 5/64 deep hole that was in the center bottom surface in each block. Other blocks hav e distinct lengths that made different lengths from the top to the hole in the block and other blocks had distinct diameter holes from each other. In experiment 5, using the straight beam probe calibration method first to find the discontinuities in a certain substance. This method was used in experiment 6 when we used the 6 dB drop method to find the magnitude and appearance of the discontinuity in bolts. In experiment 6 an angle beam probe method was used to find defects in given specimens, one of these methods was the weld testing method which found these defects in the welded steel samples given in class. To find the discontinuity or defect in the weld the area amplitude and distance amplitude methods were used to find the specific flaw. These methods can be used to find the defected area in the specimen. Using the equation = 20 we can take the different in the gains and in V1 as 1 then put it in the and V2 part to find the amplitude. Then we can create the graphs, area vs. amplitude and distance vs. amplitude. In experiment 6, the purpose is to be using the methods that were in experiment 5 to calibrate and then to find defects in specimens using the two different techniques. One of the methods was the 6 dB drop method to track and find the appearance of the flaw in the specimen. This is done by when the amplitude is dropped by about half then you found the defect. When using the equation = 20 and put in 2 for the the result will be 6 dB which is where the name for the method came from. The welding method is next, which is to find a defect in a weld and describe the defect by the appearance and location of it. Equipment USM35X, USN 58L, USN 60 GE Inspection technologies Portable Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors 2 Transducers 2.25 MHz 5.0 MHz Angle Wedge 45ÂÂ ° 70ÂÂ ° 3 Step Calibration Blocks Steel Aluminum Plexiglas IIW Calibration Block Miniature Angle-Beam Calibration Block ASTM Calibration Block Set 4 Bolts in Box Couplant 7 Weld Testing Steel Samples Aluminum Plate with Defects Caliper Pencil Computer ULTRADOC Experimental Setup Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figures 1 shows the GE Inspection technologies Portable Ultrasonic Flaw DetectorUSN 60 used within the laboratory. Figure 4 Figure 5 Figures 2,3,4,5,6,7 are figures of all the calibration blocks that were used in the laboratory. Figure 3 shows the miniature angle beam calibration block. Figure 2 shows the IIW calibration block. Figure 4 shows the step calibration block in different material types. Figure 5 shows the ASTM calibration kit. Figure 6 Figure 6 shows the wedges that were used for angle beam calibration and testing. The left block is 45ÂÂ ° and the right block is 70ÂÂ ° Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 7 shows the bolts that were tested in experiment 6 and figure 8 shows the steel weld samples that were also tested in experiment 6. Procedure In experiment 5 the first section was to setup the device. In the lab manual it says to refer to the devices manual but in the class the professor showed how to use the device. In this experiment we used a GE Inspection technology Portable Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors USN 60. To start off is to start to program to device to the correct parameters. The measurements were always in inches and the probe was determined under the PLSRCVR button menu. To set the probe if it is a single probe or dual probe we use the DUAL part on the screen to set dual on or off, in these experiments the dual will be off. The same screen will be a PULSER which should automatically be spike. After it was all completed under that tab, the home button was pressed to go back to the main menu screen. The left dial on the side would change the dB. The right dial would change the number the selector was put on. The range is changed so the pulse we are looking for is on the screen and not off the screen. To make sure y ou are reading the correct pulse you must set the gate over the pulse and the width of the pulse you are trying to read. The pulse should also have about 80 percent of amplitude. After all this setup the device may be begin to start to be calibrated. To begin to calibrate with the straight beam probe for experiment 5, you must determine which material you will be testing and then pick the correct step block that correlates with that material. Determine if you are using a single or dual probe. In this experiment we used a single probe, so the DUAL should be off. If on the top of the home screen a box does not state the SA, then go to the results tab and make sure it is displayed, then hit the home button and press the autocal button. This will display two important windows of REF1 and REF2, these are programmed to which steps you are going to use on the block, and we picked .4 and .2 as the references. The range is set to a length longer than the longer reference point you used to be able to see it on the screen. The frequency on the device should also match the frequency of the probe(s) being used. Put gel on the steps and then place the probe on REF1 which should be the smaller thickness. Press record, make sure your gate is ove r the first pulse for REF1 and press record again, and then move the probe to the second step, move the gate over the pulse and press record again. If it was done correctly the gate over the last pulse recorded should show the numbered thickness on the step. Also on the home screen the velocity and probe delay should be the same as the material that is being tested. If this is correct then the calibration was a success. A picture of the screen was taken for each calibration specimen. The next section of experiment 5 is to use the angle beam probe on the IIW block and miniature angle block by using a 45ÂÂ ° wedge with a 2.25 MHz probe. To set the angle, go to the home screen and then hit the TRIG button, make sure the angle is set to the same angle the wedge you are using. Press the home button again and then go to the results tab and makes sure the boxes on the top of the screen are set up to display SA, PA, DA, A%A. Press the home button again. Press the autocal tab and set the REF1 to 4 and REF2 to 9 to program the device for the IIW block, to program the device for the miniature block then set the REF to 1 and 4. Put gel between the transducer and wedge before putting them together. Put gel on the block and then place the probe at the 0ÂÂ ° that is marked on the block with the line on the wedge. Do the same steps to record the REF as stated before. The velocity of the shear wave that is used in the angle beam probe should be divided by about 2 for th e velocity of the longitudinal wave that is used in the straight beam probe in the same specimen. Pictures are taken with the gate over the 4 and 9 pulse for the IIW and the 1 and 4 pulse for the miniature block. The final part of experiment 5 was to find the area amplitude and the distance amplitude by using the cylinders from the ASTM set. These cylinders have the same height but the diameters of the hole within the cylinders are different. On the cylinders used the diameters were stated, which we used the cylinders that said 3/64, 5/64, and 8/64. In order to make the graph area vs. amplitude, the equation = 20 was used with the found gain. To determine the distance the six cylinders that had the same diameter hole within in it was used but the height of each cylinder was different which were 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2.25, 3.75, and 6.75. In order to make the graph distance vs. amplitude, the equation = 20 was used with the found gain.. In experiment 6, the initial part was to find the depths of four bolts that are hidden from sight in a box with only the head of the bolt shown. In addition on the bolts we had to determine if the bolt had a defect and the location of the defect. To start, the device must be calibrated by using the straight beam probe method. Put the gel on the top of the bolt and use the 5 MHz probe, make sure the device is set on dual probe on for this probe. While scanning the top of the bolt the pulses on the screen should show the bottom of the bolt which will determine how long the bolt is, also before the pulse for the bottom, other pulses will determine if a defect was found and how far it is from the top of the bolt. Each bolt had a picture taken of the devices screen to show the defect. After testing the bolts, the next section was to use the 6 dB drop method as described before to seek and locate the appearance of the defect within the random aluminum specimen given. By calibrating the dev ice using the straight beam method and covering the entire surface of the specimen with gel. The specimen was then examined with a horizontal and vertical motion with the probe to locate the defect. While this was happening another person was watching the screen to make sure a pulse was not missed. The pulse would have two equal pulses when a defect was found, after a defect was found, the end was found on and a pencil mark was placed. Each time we found an edge we placed a pencil mark. After we have decided we have found all the edges we would connect the dots to make the shape. After the shapes were decided upon, the back plate was removed and shown the real shapes of the defects, then comparing the drawn shapes wo the actual shapes. In experiment 6, the welding method was used to examine six welded steel specimens. To begin with start to calibrate the device for the angle beam probe using the procedures as stated before. Following those procedures, apply gel to the surface of the plate being tested and to search for the defect within the welded part of the plate by determining the depth in the specimen compared to the thickness of the specimen. Marking each end of the defect then measuring the length of the defect, then to compare it to the given sheet that will be shown in the appendix, of the defect area. Also stated on the sheet, each length of the defect should be 1 inch in length. DATA Experiment 5 Figure 9 Straight pobe Steel .4 Figure 10 Straight pobe Steel .3 Figure 11 Straight pobe Steel .2 Figure 12 Straight pobe Steel .5 Figure 13 Straight pobe Steel .75 Figure 14 Straight pobe Acrylic .4 Figure 15 Straight pobe Acrylic .5 Figure 16 Straight pobe Acrylic .3 Figure 17 Straight pobe Acrylic .2 Figure 18 Straight pobe Acrylic .75 Figure 19 Straight pobe Al .4 Figure 20 Straight pobe Al .5 Figure 21 Straight pobe Al .3 Figure 22 Straight pobe Al .2 Figure 23 Angle beam , ref 1 Figure 24 Angle beam, ref 2 Figure 25 Miniature Angle Beam, ref 2 Figure 26 Miniature Angle beam, ref 1 Figure 27 Miniature angle beam reverse, ref 1 Figure 28 Miniature angle beam reverse, ref 2 Figure 29 Bolt 1 defect Figure 30 Bolt 1 length Figure 31 Bolt 2 edge Figure 32 Bolt 2 Length Figure 33 Bolt 3 Length Figure 34 Bolt 3 edge Figure 35 Bolt 4 Length Figure 36 Bolt 4 Defect Figure 37 Cylinder 3/64 back wall Figure 38 Cylinder 3/64 diameter of flat bottom Figure 39 Cylinder 5/64 Figure 40 Cylinder 8/64 Figure 41 cylinder height 6 Figure 42 cylinder height 3 Figure 43 cylinder height 1.5 Figure 44 cylinder height .75 Figure 45 cylinder height .5 Figure 46 cylinder height .25 Analysis of Data Part of experiment 5, in straight beam probe calibration, figures 9 through 24 shows pictures of the device screen of a few steps that we used to calibrate the device. For example in steel at .4 the probe delay was .4119us and velocity was .2252 in/us. In figure 14 the Plexiglas was on stop .4 with a velocity of .0873 in/us and the probe delay was .4119 us. In figure 19 it sows the .4 step for aluminum, which shows a velocity of .2458 in/us and probe delay of .4713 us. In figures 13 and 18 show the side of the step block at .75 for another step. In angle beam probe calibration, the figures 23 through 28 show pictures of the screens device for those calibrations. Figure 23 and 24 shows the references of the IIW steel calibration block which had a velocity of .1599 in/us and probe delay of 26.4325 us. This value was supposed to be half of the straight beam calibration but it was close enough. In figures 25 through 28 shows the miniature calibration block and the probe delay was 5.3931 us and the velocity was .1266 in/us. This was also compared to the straight beam probe velocity in steel and should be about half. It was close enough to be counted. Looking at the probe delays, it seemed to be reasonable time for the distance it had to go. In area and distance amplitude calibration the figures 37 through 40 displayed the devices screen of each cylinder tested. Figure 37 shows the back wall of the 3/64 diameter hole which had a 25dB. In figure 38, it shows the 3/64 diameter of flat bottom hole at 53dB. In figure 39, shows the 5/64 diameter of flat bottom hole with a 50 dB. In figure 40, shows the 8/64 diameter flat bottom whole with a 47 dB. Each figure had a probe delay of .4822 us and a velocity of .2331 in/us, which was very close to the velocity reference for steel. Table 1 Diameter Notation Gain (dB) 3/64 V1 53 5/64 V2 50 8/64 V3 47 Graph 1 In table 1 it displays the dB for every diameter. In graph 1 the area vs. amplitude calibration curve is shown. Table 1 and equation = 20 was used to calculate the calibration curve. An example of a calculation is shown below: |V2-V1|=|40 dB 46dB|= 6 dB = 20 V2= 2V In figures 41 through 46, the pictures shown are the different heights of cylinders but the diameter of the hole inside is the exact same. As follows, figure 41 shows 6 cylinder, figure 42 shows 3 cylinder, figure 43 shows 1.5 cylinder, figure 44 shows .75 cylinder, figure 45 shows .5 cylinder and figure 46 shows .25 cylinder. Each figure shows .2312 in/us for velocity and probe delay is 4.8750 us. Notation Height Sound Path Gain (dB) V1 6.75 5.812 100 V2 3.75 2.976 92 V3 2.25 1.480 74 V4 1.5 .740 68 V5 1.25 .491 61 V6 1 .247 53 Table 2 Graph 2 In table 2 it displays the dB and sound paths on the picture taken for each picture of different heights. In graph 2 it displays the distance vs. amplitude calibration curve. The curve was made from the equation = 20 and table 2. If you compare the graph with reference data my graph is not accurate at all. With my data incomplete this is an example of how to calculate the equation: |V3-V1|=|47.1 dB-97.2 dB|= 50.1 dB = 20 V3=319.89V In experiment 6 the bolt defects are shown in figures 29 through 36, which show a picture of the devices screen for the four bolts that were examined. Figures 29 and 30 for bolt 1 shows the length at 2.03in and defect at .608in, figures 31 and 32 shows bolt 2 with length of 3.398in and defect at .473in, figures 33 and 34 shows bolt 3 with length 3.954in and no defect but we took an edge of the bolt to show, figures 35 and 36 for bolt 4 shows length at 4.426in and defect at 3.922in. Figure 47 shows a picture of the bolts. Figure 47 Aluminum Plate defect (6dB drop)- Figure 48 Figure 49 In figures 48 and 49, it displays the aluminum specimen that was tested in experiment 6 using the 6dB technique. Figure 48 shows the sketched markings and figure 49 shows the actual defects. Figure 50 Defect 1 T= 0.375in length of defect= 1.013in Figure 51 Defect 2 T= 0.395in Length of defect= 1.17in Figure 52 Defect 5 T= 0.397in Length of defect= 1.012in Figure 53 Defect 6 T= 0.390 Length of defect= 0.992 Figure 54 Figure 55 Defect 7 T= 0.390 Length of defect= 1.047 Figure 56 Defect 8 T= 0.389in length of defect= 0.915in In figures 50 through 56, shows the pictures for the six weld tests examined for experiment 6. Figure 50 shows defect 1 with thickness of .375 and defect at .035, figure 51 shows defect 2 with thickness of .395 and defect at .241, figure 52 shows defect 5 with thickness of .397in and defect at .201in. Figure 53 and 54 shows defect 6 with thickness of .390 and defects at .121 and .271. Figure 55 shows defect 7 with thickness of .390 and defect at .184. Figure 56 shows defect 8 with thickness at .389 and defect at .186. This data was compared to the sheet in the appendix. Discussion of Results In experiment 5, we learned how to calibrate the three different detector devices using many calibration techniques. One of the methods was straight beam calibration. Following the setup and recording the pictures of the experimental data, we can agree on the calibration was a success. This was agreed by making sure the heights matched the heights of the step block written on the steps. Our heights were very close to the actual height. To make sure this is correct we were also shown a probe delay and velocity. The velocity of steel we got .2252 in/us and the reference velocity was .2300 in/us. The probe delay was .4119 us which was approved by Dr. Genis to be okay. For aluminum the velocity was .2458 in/us and compared to the reference velocity of .2490 in/us, our velocity was very close. The probe delay was .4713 us. For Plexiglas, the velocity was .0873 in/us and compared to the reference velocity .110 in/us was close but still had decent gap. The probe delay was .4119 us. The next part of experiment 5 was angle beam calibration. Following the setup and recording the pictures of the experimental data, we can agree on the calibration was a success. To see if our data matched was to detect the pulses were in the right place. For IIW calibration block, the first pulse seen was close to the 4 mark and the second pulse was also very close to 9 mark. For the miniature calibration block the first pulse was at 1 and the second pulse was at 4. We detected all the pulses were at the correct location on the screen. We were also able to get the velocity of .1599 in/us which are approximately half of the reference velocity for steel. The probe delay is 26.4325 us. In experiment 5, the last part was area amplitude and distance amplitude calibrations. For area amplitude we were able to figure out that we succeeded by the velocity and probe delay. The steel cylinders had a velocity of .2331 in/us, which compared to the steel reference velocity it seems to be very close. The probe delay of .4822 us seemed to match the accepted probe delay. The last part to confirm the data was from graph 1, which shows the area amplitude calibration curve that matched the reference curve that was presented in class. The velocity we obtained was .2312 in/us which was proper. A trend of 7 or 8 in different dB until between two of the cylinders, but at the end it was ok because as long as when the dB was raised the trend line was also being raised. Looking on the graph it seemed that either the graph was wrong or the collected data was wrong. It could be multiple reasons why

The Saxophone Changed The World Film Studies Essay

The Saxophone Changed The World Film Studies Essay Got Sax? This is an excellent paper. It has good info that is well presented. It is 1 page short of consideration for an A. Your grade is the highest B I can assign, and your point accumulation is 179 of a possible 200 points. Lorna Young Whether you listen to rock, metal, rap, jazz, classical or opera, the music all has one connecting element, instruments. Without instruments the world and music would be a much more calm and boring place. Leo Tolstoy described Music as the shorthand of emotion (Brainy quotes, 1/11). Music can convey feelings and expressions that people can universally understand and feel not just listen to. A very powerful way to convey a feeling is through the playing of an instrument, and the best out of such, the Saxophone. The Saxophone is a newer instrument but with its beautiful range and tone quality it brings life and feeling to the music art form. The Saxophone has become one of those so well loved instruments, in large part because of the beauty of its Tone. (Anonymous, 2011). The sax and its famous players have changed the shape and sound of music forever. The saxophone was created by a Belgium man named Adolphe Sax, the son of a chief instrument maker. Adolphe learned his fathers skill and even surpassed his father in the trade. Adolphe being smart in the field, fixed the technical awkwardness of several instruments and also created several instruments in different materials and ways that others previously could not. Being the visionary he was, Adolphe had an idea to create a completely new instrument. This Instrument would combine the power of a brass instrument with the subtleties of a woodwind instrument and the facility of a stringed instrument. After much experimentation, he had his first working model in 1841, which he called the bass horn. It wasnt until a review of his new instrument in the French paper Journal des Debats, however, that the name le saxophon or saxophone came about. In 1846, Adolphe Sax won two patents for his designs: One for a set of saxophones intended for the orchestra and the other for a set of saxophones intended for military bands. Each set consisted of a range of sizes from the small sopranino saxophone to the huge subcontrabass saxophone. These two patents represented Adolphs two dreams for the saxophone (DeJesus). He put a clarinet-like mouthpiece onto a metal body with a conical shape similar to an oboe and came up with an instrument louder than traditional woodwinds and suitable for military music (, 2010). Adolphes invention changed military and classical music. Adolphe also wanted to include the saxophone in the orchestra setting but there came about some problems with this idea. Adolphe was a very proud man and wanted to always improve the string instruments, which the players and conductors found extremely annoying. The sax at the time had several problems so it never became an important piece in the orchestral world. Adolphe also wanted the sax to become an important piece in the military band, which did become true. Adolphe showed the French military band the sax, and while reluctant at first, adopted the piece and was a huge success. Because of this, military bands all over the world wanted a sax in their band. With the saxs prevalence in the military band settin g, the sax made it to New Orleans and started the creation of jazz, and its form that it is today (DeJesus). At first the sax was not hugely popular but, In the nineteen-twenties there were as many as one million saxophones sold, based solely on the sound of the recordings (Anonymous, 2011). The saxophone changed the world of music greatly with its sharp and smooth sound. The history of Jazz music origins is attributed to the turn of the 20th century New Orleans, although this unique, artistic medium occurred almost simultaneously in other North American areas like Saint Louis, Kansas City and Chicago. Traits carried from West African black folk music developed in the Americas, joined with European popular and light classical music of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, became the syncopated rhythms of Ragtime and minor chord voicings characteristic of the Blues (Johnson, 2011). When Big Band and swing music was coming around in the 1930s the clarinet was the most greatly used instrument. But as the 1940s rolled around and Bop music became more popular clarinets as a solo instrument started to dwindle and they were replaced by the sax. Ever since then the jazz industry has been forever changed with two leading instruments, trumpet and sax (, 201 0). Throughout the Saxophone History, the saxophone has enjoyed success in military bands, and then graduated to an increased solo repertoire in the classical world. Meanwhile, it has become part of many popular music genres, such as pop, big band, blues, rock and roll, ska, and jazz. The saxophones relatively easy learning curve has made it popular in public school music programs for children and adults alike (Anonymous, 2011). There have been many great saxophone players that have changed the face of the music industry, not just jazz. Charlie Parker is said to be one of the most influential and important saxophonists in the jazz community. Parker started off his music career in school where he played the baritone horn. His love of music and his interest moved him over to the alto saxophone. Pretty shortly after starting the alto, Parker quit school and started playing with local bands. While playing with different bands he went to New York, which greatly influenced his style of music. After touring some Parker decided to move to New York. Parker got a job washing dishes and met Biddy Fleet a guitarist. Biddy taught parker about instrumental harmony. Several years later Parker made his own group that made some of his most famous music. In 1955 at the height of his career he died in a friends apartment (Louck, 2012). Charles Yardbird Parker was an amazing saxophonist who gained wide recognition for his brill iant solos and innovative improvisations. He was, without a doubt, one of the most influential and talented musicians in jazz history (Louck, 2012). Another one person to greatly influence jazz is John Coltrane. John Coltrane was always surrounded with music in his family and this is what started him off on the clarinet and the E-flat horn. As Coltrane got older and his tastes in music changed he switched over to the alto saxophone. After world war two where he served in the Navy Band, Coltrane began playing the tenor saxophone as well. During this period he played with many different bands and became known for using a technique known as the sheets of sound where he would play at one time, multiple notes. Coltrane in 1960 created his own quartet and created some of the most innovative and expressive music in Jazz history including the hit albums: My Favorite Things, Africa Brass, Impressions, Giant Steps, and his monumental work A Love Supreme which attests to the power, glory, love, and greatness of God. Coltrane felt we must all make a conscious effort to effect positive change in the world, and that his music was an instrume nt to create positive thought patterns in the minds of people (John coltrane -, 2008). Later in 1967 John Coltrane died of liver disease. Coltranes music lives on today and he has been commemorated many times over. His music has been played in television shows such as Days of Our Lives, The Cosby Show, ER, and many more. Coltranes music has changed jazz into the expressive art form that it is today (John coltrane -, 2008). Another huge saxophone superstar and legend is Coleman Hawk Hawkins. From the Classic Jazz period to the Swing Era one player had a virtual monopoly on the tenor sax, that man being Coleman Hawkins, a.k.a., the Hawk or the Bean. Hawkins (born 1904, St. Joseph, Mo.) was not the first Jazzman to play the tenor but he was the leader in transforming it into a fully expressive, hard driving Jazz instrument. Following a ten year period of getting the hang of that confounded contraption, the Hawk went on to a fifty year career filled with near flawless playing as leader of his own groups as well as with an amazing variety of other combos. He was an inspiration to dozens of top notch Jazz tenor men (Weinstock Len). Coleman Hawkins was great because he mastered the sax in two forms, the hard riffs of playing many notes very quickly, and the slow ballads, this put him at the top of his class. He like the many other musicians bounced around from band to band playing whenever and wherever possib le. Hawkins style was different from Charlie Parkers and his made Hawkins look old fashioned. Hawkins changed his style and played with other famous people, even John Coltrane. He also recorded with Duke Ellington. Hawkins had several different times where he was a band leader or accompanied others. He also was featured in the movie Stormy Weather in 1943(,). In the saxophone family there are many different kinds, each a different size. The most commonly played and seen saxophones are the soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone. There are stranger more rare types of saxophone such as the F Mezzo Soprano, C Soprano and F Baritone, but these are rarely seen in concert format. The soprano saxophone is the highest of the saxophones and is played in the key of B flat. This sax can either be found in a curved form, looking like a baby alto, or in a straight for, looking like a brass clarinet. This saxophone is not recommended for a beginner because of how strong of an embouchure is needed. Embouchure is the mouth position needed to play an instrument. The alto sax is usually the most commonly seen sax and is the next step lower in pitch. When one thinks of a saxophone one usually pictures the alto sax. This medium sized, curved with a smaller mouthpiece, instrument is the usual sax that a new player is started on. The alto sax is played in the key o f E flat. The tenor sax, which is the next step lower in range, is a larger form of the alto sax and is played in the key of B flat. This type of sax is commonly used in jazz music but can be found in a concert setting also. The largest of all the saxophones commonly seen in music is the Baritone sax, which is also the lowest sound (, 2001). If you saw this saxophone you would know it because it is huge compared to the alto. It takes a lot of lung power to play this horn but if played right, it sounds just as beautiful as the other horns. The saxophone is played in a different way than most instruments even though it closely resembles the embouchure of a clarinet. To play a saxophone, a saxophonist holds the saxophone so that the mouthpiece, which is attached to the crook, gently swings into the mouth for placement by adjusting the neck strap. (Smaller saxophones, such as the sopranino and soprillo, may be played without using a neck strap as it suits the player, but it is essential for the larger saxophones.) The mouthpiece is a shaped piece of rubber, plastic, metal, or glass that allows a reed, held in place by a ligature, to vibrate. These vibrations are the birthplace of sound within a saxophone. By placing the mouthpiece gently in ones mouth and blowing across the reed, vibrations travel through the body and out the tone holes that are uncovered. Pressing and opening specific keys allows different tone hole combinations, which gives the saxophonist the freedom to play over two octaves of pitches. (Some saxophoni sts can play many more octaves by using new fingerings and breath techniques in the upper range, which is known as altissimo) (Anonymous, 2011). When the mouthpiece is in the mouth the player bites with his top teeth straight down on the mouthpiece. Some players opt to getting a sticker type guard for the top of the mouthpiece so it will not wear as fast. The bottom teeth are masked by the bottom lip so as not to bite the reed causing squeaking. A player then tightens the corners of the mouth as to frown and blows with a steady stream of air. The player breathes through the mouth in quick burst because breathing the nose does not get such a deep breath and it is slower. After many hours of practicing with hand placement, learning how to read music and playing one can have a new hobby that can be beneficial to the soul or even to the wallet! Charlie Parker once said Dont play the saxophone. Let it play you (Parker, 12/0). The Saxophone is deeply rooted in music and the players life. It is not just an instrument to some people, but a way of life. Music is very influential, almost as prominent as religion in some peoples lives. The clarinet may have been popular at one point but now the saxophone is one of the most prominent instruments in jazz to date. The saxophone is one of the most popular instruments to play and listen to as well. Adolphe Sax changed the music scene with his new instrument causing enjoyment for generations. Even with the saxophone never becoming a prominent part in the orchestra Adolphe Sax would be proud of how much the sax has influenced the music industry now and forever.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Power of Media in the Digital Age Essay examples -- Exploratory Es

The Power of Media in the Digital Age      Ã‚   Across from my old high school, where once a pool hall seduced us away from classes, there is now a trendy bar and grill frequented by the recently-graduated. I visited this establishment to reflect upon the nature of media, culture and what it means to be literate in the 21st century. The implications for teachers, libraries and society in general may be daunting, but they hint at excitement, too. There I was, an English major, a man of the book as it were, all ready to cast aspersions left, right and center at these clearly illiterate, shallow young hipsters. Within sight of my old high school library, I was ready to join the crowd of experts and decry the decay of our culture, the inevitable devolution to a monosyllabic, non- print bunch of video heads. This was culture at its lowest brow, with no concept of canonical values or the means to access them. Media shaped these minds and what a mess had been made. Such doom and gloom scenarios are common enough. Fortunately, I paused and took a slightly deeper look at what I was really seeing.    The room featured eight television sets, three of them nearly theatre size, with no two featuring the same show. There were a few sporting events, CNN Headline News on one, at least two different music videos, while a number of the sets were broadcasting an interactive trivia game played by patrons on small portable keyboards. Sprinkled throughout the bar were a variety of entertainment newspapers, some magazines and at least one person was reading a book in the relative solitude of a corner. People talked with others around them and interspers... ...the media-cultural soup around them to worry about what is media and culture. The question of literacy in the face of such change is still up in the air at this time, but is worthy of further discussion. Digital media, however, continue to be the major shapers of the path of our culture. We can argue that the bus is going too fast, but we do not necessarily want to make this observation from behind in a cloud of dust at the stop.       Works Cited Ayer, Pico. "History? Education? Zap! Pow! Cut!". Echoes 12. Toronto: Oxford UP. 2002 Burke, James. The Knowledge Web. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1999 De Kerckhove, Derrick. The Skin of Culture. Toronto: Somerville House. 1995 Manguel, Alberto. A History of Reading. New York: Penguin Books. 1996 Postman, Neil. Technopoly. New York: Vintage Books. 1993 Â